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While most schemes in organizations allow employees to refer known acquitances, it is not often that,that acquaintance
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Trigo (hyperlink to Group is a Multinational which started as a firm offering on-site quality services in France.The company, today has expanded its reach across various countries across the continent of Europe, and eventually across the globe – mostly in Asia and North Americas.Over the of years, the company has added several offerings to its portfolio of on-site quality to include now Consulting, Auditing, Technical Rework and Repair, and Quality Liaison.
It is Global Leader in the third party Quality Control and Assurance space serving some of the biggest companies in the world across the sectors of engineering, white goods, aerospace and automobiles. Trigo is associated world wide with the likes of Schneider, Bosch, Nissan, Toyota, Merced Benz, BMW, Airbus amongst others